Re: Looking for information - Buying a truck
Been on this road before myself and friends of mine. First thing I would do is look at your State's Motor Vechicle guide lines on GVWs. If the GVW is over 26,000 pounds ( an example ) you may need - different operators license, commerical insurance (farm trucks rules vary) and higher road license plate tax based on the tonnage. This is a problem with older grain trucks that have a beautiful cab/body and would make a easy swap onto a smaller tonnage frame. But the VIN# on the Title/ and Plate on the cab tells the WHOLE story at the Courthouse DOT Office. You could change the VIN Plate on the cab but the title has its VIN # - I WOULDN'T EVEN think of messing with any alterations to either. Just walk away. Just do your homework before you make any decisions.