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Smilies |
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling.
If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.
Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies.
Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies;
using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description. If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face! |
Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:goodjob: | good job | |
:ok: | Okay | |
:coolphotos: | Cool Photos! | |
:welldone: | well done | |
:signthankspin: | Signthankspin | |
:helpsign: | Helpsign | |
:upyes: | Yes! | |
:teehee: | teehee | |
:rowdybeer: | RowdyBeer | |
:thumbsup: | thumbs up | |
:pullinghairout: | pulling hair out | |
:banghead: | Banghead | |
:ahhhh: | ahhhhh! | |
:winter: | Winter | |
:bump5: | Bump5 | |
:poke: | poke | |
:lolsmack2: | Lolsmack2 | |
:welcome: | Welcome | |
:yourock: | you rock | |
:goodluck: | good luck | |
:my2cents: | My 2 Cents | |
:headscratch: | I dont get it | |
:threadjacked: | Threadjacked | |
:noway: | no way | |
:bigyikes: | Bigyikes | |
:woohoowave: | Woohoowave | |
:censored: | Censored | |
:yeeuh: | yeeuh | |
:manvspc: | Manvspc | |
:guzzle: | guzzle | |
:crazyyippee: | Crazyyippee | |
:evil: | Evil | |
:coffee: | Coffee | |
:tank: | tank | |
:badgood: | Badgood | |
:ups: | Ups | |
:bump4: | Bump4 | |
:puterpunch: | computer punch | |
:lol: | Lol | |
:insane: | insane | |
:chillpill: | Chill pill | |
:bigdance: | big dance | |
:newidea: | Newidea | |
:toofunny: | toofunny | |
:dogrun: | Dogrun | |
:ohmygosh: | oh my gosh | |
:runforthehills: | Runforthehills | |
:tiphat: | Tiphat | |
:giggity: | Giggity | |
:takethat: | Takethat | |
:bbeer: | Bbeer | |
:scared: | scared | |
:machinegun2: | Machine Gun 2 | |
:jaw-dropping: | Jaw Dropping | |
:woo: | Woo | |
:buttkick: | Buttkick | |
:lurker: | Lurker | |
:runhappy: | run happy | |
:notrolls: | Dont Feed The Troll | |
:cutwood: | cut wood | |
:deadhorse: | Dead Horse | |
:poopsign: | poop sign | |
:postgood: | Postgood | |
:yes: | yes | |
:cheers: | Cheers | |
:fan: | Fan | |
:signofcross: | Signofcross | |
:areyouthere: | are you there | |
:arr: | Arr | |
:grouphug: | Grouphug | |
:turtleride: | Turtleride | |
:roadrage: | road rage | |
:bricks: | Bricks | |
:mad: | mad | |
:korgie: | Korgie | |
:bananadance: | banana dance | |
:wub2: | wub2 | |
:sharky: | sharky | |
:nothingtoadd: | Nothing to add | |
:mys_solved1: | mystery solved | |
:ohgeesh: | oh geesh | |
:detective: | Detective | |
:lolflag: | lol flag | |
:lookoverthere: | Look over there! | |
:prof: | Prof | |
:amen: | Amen | |
:morecoffee: | More Coffee | |
:getrdone2: | Getrdone2 | |
:sleeping: | Sleeping | |
:bye: | Bye! | |
:clap: | clap | |
:hypnodisk: | Hypnodisk | |
:whipit: | whip it | |
:iagree: | I agree | |
:delivery: | Delivery | |
:superhug: | superhug | |
:notworthy: | not worthy | |
:aarrgh: | Aarrgh! | |
:cutthegrass: | Cut the grass | |
:lolsmack: | lolsmack | |
:egyptian: | egyptian | |
:nofriends: | Nofriends | |
:3gears: | 3 gears | |
:gimmeabeer: | GiveMeBeer | |
:dollarsign: | Dollarsign | |
:shocked: | Shocked | |
:arghh: | Arghh | |
:imsorry: | im sorry | |
:grillin: | Grillin | |
:saywhat: | Say What? | |
:crazy: | crazy | |
:ninja: | Ninja | |
:jumphappy: | Jumphappy | |
:champagne: | champagne | |
:spinsick: | spin sick | |
:what: | What? | |
:guitar: | guitar nanner | |
:shower: | Shower | |
:D | biggrin | |
:nah: | nah | |
:superhappy: | super happy | |
:postreadrulez: | Postreadrulez | |
:hugging: | Hugging | |
:this: | this | |
:yeahthat: | Yeah That | |
:woowoo: | woo woo | |
:machinegun: | Machine Gun | |
:tickedoff: | ticked off | |
:zzz: | Zzzzz | |
:chopwood: | Chopping Wood | |
:poop: | poop | |
:newhere: | I'm New Here! | |
:rofl: | ROTFL | |
:diggingahole: | Digging a hole | |
:chained: | Chained | |
:boggled: | Boggled | |
:soapbox: | soapbox | |
:coool: | Coool! | |
:whattha: | what tha... | |
:thanks: | Thanks! | |
:faint: | faint | |
:paperwork: | Paperwork | |
:notworthymulti: | not worthy multi | |
:insertevillaugh: | Insert Evil Laugh Here | |
:oldman: | Old man | |
:poopfan2: | Poop hits the fan | |
:dito: | Dito | |
:boohoo: | boo hoo | |
:banhim: | Ban Him | |
:signwave: | Sign Wave | |
:mowing: | Mowing | |
:worthlesswithoutpic | Worthlesswithoutpics | |
:nervous: | nervous | |
:hijacked: | Thread Hijacked | |
:chatattable: | Chatattable | |
;) | wink | |
:loco: | Loco | |
:beer: | Beer | |
:confused: | Confused | |
:rolleyes: | Roll Eyes | |
:eek: | eek | |
:-x | Angry | |
:) | smile | |
:cool: | cool | |
:( | frown | |
:oops: | embarrassed | |
:P | tongue | |
GMC Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:madGMC: | MadGMC | |
:huhGMC: | HuhGMC | |
:unsureGMC: | UnsureGMC | |
:closedeyesGMC: | ClosedeyesGMC | |
:wub: | Wub | |
:ohmy: | Ohmy | |
:angry: | Angry | |
:sad: | Sad | |
:madGMC2: | MadGMC2 | |
:sleepGMC: | SleepGMC | |
:happy: | Happy | |
:tongueGMC: | TongueGMC | |
:dryGMC: | DryGMC | |
:wackoGMC: | WackoGMC | |
:ph34rGMC: | Ph34rGMC | |
:blinkGMC: | BlinkGMC | |
:noWAY: | Nowink | |
:laugh: | Laugh | |
:laughGMC: | LaughGMC | |
:smileGMC2: | SmileGMC2 | |
:biggringmc: | Biggringmc | |
:unsure: | Unsure | |
:biggrinGMC2: | BiggrinGMC2 | |
:closedeyes: | Closedeyes | |
:winkGMC2: | WinkGMC2 | |
:ohmyGMC: | OhmyGMC | |
:blushGMC: | BlushGMC | |
:mellow: | Mellow | |
:sleep: | Sleep | |
:angryGMC: | AngryGMC | |
:tongue2GMC: | Tongue2GMC | |
:happyGMC: | HappyGMC | |
:wacko: | Wacko | |
:rolleyesGMC: | RolleyesGMC | |
:coolgmc: | Coolgmc | |
:wubGMC: | WubGMC | |
:noWAYGMC: | NowinkGMC | |
:dry: | Dry | |
:rolleyesGMC2: | RolleyesGMC2 | |
:smileGMC: | SmileGMC | |
:huh: | Huh | |
:tongueGMC2: | TongueGMC2 | |
:blink: | Blink | |
:winkGMC: | WinkGMC | |
:ph34r: | Ph34r | |
:blush: | Blush | |
:mellowGMC: | MellowGMC | |
:sadGMC2: | SadGMC2 | |
:coolGMC2: | CoolGMC2 | |
:tongue2: | Tongue2 |