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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:goodjob: good job good job
:ok: Okay Okay
:coolphotos: Cool Photos! Cool Photos!
:welldone: well done well done
:signthankspin: Signthankspin Signthankspin
:helpsign: Helpsign Helpsign
:upyes: Yes! Yes!
:teehee: teehee teehee
:rowdybeer: RowdyBeer RowdyBeer
:thumbsup: thumbs up thumbs up
:pullinghairout: pulling hair out pulling hair out
:banghead: Banghead Banghead
:ahhhh: ahhhhh! ahhhhh!
:winter: Winter Winter
:bump5: Bump5 Bump5
:poke: poke poke
:lolsmack2: Lolsmack2 Lolsmack2
:welcome: Welcome Welcome
:yourock: you rock you rock
:goodluck: good luck good luck
:my2cents: My 2 Cents My 2 Cents
:headscratch: I dont get it I dont get it
:threadjacked: Threadjacked Threadjacked
:noway: no way no way
:bigyikes: Bigyikes Bigyikes
:woohoowave: Woohoowave Woohoowave
:censored: Censored Censored
:yeeuh: yeeuh yeeuh
:manvspc: Manvspc Manvspc
:guzzle: guzzle guzzle
:crazyyippee: Crazyyippee Crazyyippee
:evil: Evil Evil
:coffee: Coffee Coffee
:tank: tank tank
:badgood: Badgood Badgood
:ups: Ups Ups
:bump4: Bump4 Bump4
:puterpunch: computer punch computer punch
:lol: Lol Lol
:insane: insane insane
:chillpill: Chill pill Chill pill
:bigdance: big dance big dance
:newidea: Newidea Newidea
:toofunny: toofunny toofunny
:dogrun: Dogrun Dogrun
:ohmygosh: oh my gosh oh my gosh
:runforthehills: Runforthehills Runforthehills
:tiphat: Tiphat Tiphat
:giggity: Giggity Giggity
:takethat: Takethat Takethat
:bbeer: Bbeer Bbeer
:scared: scared scared
:machinegun2: Machine Gun 2 Machine Gun 2
:jaw-dropping: Jaw Dropping Jaw Dropping
:woo: Woo Woo
:buttkick: Buttkick Buttkick
:lurker: Lurker Lurker
:runhappy: run happy run happy
:notrolls: Dont Feed The Troll Dont Feed The Troll
:cutwood: cut wood cut wood
:deadhorse: Dead Horse Dead Horse
:poopsign: poop sign poop sign
:postgood: Postgood Postgood
:yes: yes yes
:cheers: Cheers Cheers
:fan: Fan Fan
:signofcross: Signofcross Signofcross
:areyouthere: are you there are you there
:arr: Arr Arr
:grouphug: Grouphug Grouphug
:turtleride: Turtleride Turtleride
:roadrage: road rage road rage
:bricks: Bricks Bricks
:mad: mad mad
:korgie: Korgie Korgie
:bananadance: banana dance banana dance
:wub2: wub2 wub2
:sharky: sharky sharky
:nothingtoadd: Nothing to add Nothing to add
:mys_solved1: mystery solved mystery solved
:ohgeesh: oh geesh oh geesh
:detective: Detective Detective
:lolflag: lol flag lol flag
:lookoverthere: Look over there! Look over there!
:prof: Prof Prof
:amen: Amen Amen
:morecoffee: More Coffee More Coffee
:getrdone2: Getrdone2 Getrdone2
:sleeping: Sleeping Sleeping
:bye: Bye! Bye!
:clap: clap clap
:hypnodisk: Hypnodisk Hypnodisk
:whipit: whip it whip it
:iagree: I agree I agree
:delivery: Delivery Delivery
:superhug: superhug superhug
:notworthy: not worthy not worthy
:aarrgh: Aarrgh! Aarrgh!
:cutthegrass: Cut the grass Cut the grass
:lolsmack: lolsmack lolsmack
:egyptian: egyptian egyptian
:nofriends: Nofriends Nofriends
:3gears: 3 gears 3 gears
:gimmeabeer: GiveMeBeer GiveMeBeer
:dollarsign: Dollarsign Dollarsign
:shocked: Shocked Shocked
:arghh: Arghh Arghh
:imsorry: im sorry im sorry
:grillin: Grillin Grillin
:saywhat: Say What? Say What?
:crazy: crazy crazy
:ninja: Ninja Ninja
:jumphappy: Jumphappy Jumphappy
:champagne: champagne champagne
:spinsick: spin sick spin sick
:what: What? What?
:guitar: guitar nanner guitar nanner
:shower: Shower Shower
:D biggrin biggrin
:nah: nah nah
:superhappy: super happy super happy
:postreadrulez: Postreadrulez Postreadrulez
:hugging: Hugging Hugging
:this: this this
:yeahthat: Yeah That Yeah That
:woowoo: woo woo woo woo
:machinegun: Machine Gun Machine Gun
:tickedoff: ticked off ticked off
:zzz: Zzzzz Zzzzz
:chopwood: Chopping Wood Chopping Wood
:poop: poop poop
:newhere: I'm New Here! I'm New Here!
:diggingahole: Digging a hole Digging a hole
:chained: Chained Chained
:boggled: Boggled Boggled
:soapbox: soapbox soapbox
:coool: Coool! Coool!
:whattha: what tha... what tha...
:thanks: Thanks! Thanks!
:faint: faint faint
:paperwork: Paperwork Paperwork
:notworthymulti: not worthy multi not worthy multi
:insertevillaugh: Insert Evil Laugh Here Insert Evil Laugh Here
:oldman: Old man Old man
:poopfan2: Poop hits the fan Poop hits the fan
:dito: Dito Dito
:boohoo: boo hoo boo hoo
:banhim: Ban Him Ban Him
:signwave: Sign Wave Sign Wave
:mowing: Mowing Mowing
:worthlesswithoutpic Worthlesswithoutpics Worthlesswithoutpics
:nervous: nervous nervous
:hijacked: Thread Hijacked Thread Hijacked
:chatattable: Chatattable Chatattable
;) wink wink
:loco: Loco Loco
:beer: Beer Beer
:confused: Confused Confused
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
:eek: eek eek
:-x Angry Angry
:) smile smile
:cool: cool cool
:( frown frown
:oops: embarrassed embarrassed
:P tongue tongue
GMC Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:madGMC: MadGMC MadGMC
:huhGMC: HuhGMC HuhGMC
:unsureGMC: UnsureGMC UnsureGMC
:closedeyesGMC: ClosedeyesGMC ClosedeyesGMC
:wub: Wub Wub
:ohmy: Ohmy Ohmy
:angry: Angry Angry
:sad: Sad Sad
:madGMC2: MadGMC2 MadGMC2
:sleepGMC: SleepGMC SleepGMC
:happy: Happy Happy
:tongueGMC: TongueGMC TongueGMC
:dryGMC: DryGMC DryGMC
:wackoGMC: WackoGMC WackoGMC
:ph34rGMC: Ph34rGMC Ph34rGMC
:blinkGMC: BlinkGMC BlinkGMC
:noWAY: Nowink Nowink
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:laughGMC: LaughGMC LaughGMC
:smileGMC2: SmileGMC2 SmileGMC2
:biggringmc: Biggringmc Biggringmc
:unsure: Unsure Unsure
:biggrinGMC2: BiggrinGMC2 BiggrinGMC2
:closedeyes: Closedeyes Closedeyes
:winkGMC2: WinkGMC2 WinkGMC2
:ohmyGMC: OhmyGMC OhmyGMC
:blushGMC: BlushGMC BlushGMC
:mellow: Mellow Mellow
:sleep: Sleep Sleep
:angryGMC: AngryGMC AngryGMC
:tongue2GMC: Tongue2GMC Tongue2GMC
:happyGMC: HappyGMC HappyGMC
:wacko: Wacko Wacko
:rolleyesGMC: RolleyesGMC RolleyesGMC
:coolgmc: Coolgmc Coolgmc
:wubGMC: WubGMC WubGMC
:noWAYGMC: NowinkGMC NowinkGMC
:dry: Dry Dry
:rolleyesGMC2: RolleyesGMC2 RolleyesGMC2
:smileGMC: SmileGMC SmileGMC
:huh: Huh Huh
:tongueGMC2: TongueGMC2 TongueGMC2
:blink: Blink Blink
:winkGMC: WinkGMC WinkGMC
:ph34r: Ph34r Ph34r
:blush: Blush Blush
:mellowGMC: MellowGMC MellowGMC
:sadGMC2: SadGMC2 SadGMC2
:coolGMC2: CoolGMC2 CoolGMC2
:tongue2: Tongue2 Tongue2

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