6066 (1960-1966) GMC Truck Club

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FetchMeAPepsi December 3rd, 2015 08:41 PM

Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?
This is in General discussion bc it says "any topics that dont fit other categories..."

What do you guys think about all this terrorism stuff? Ive never been a paranoid type but lately I've been looking at the whole "what can I do to keep my family safe" type stuff.

lizziemeister'sV6 December 4th, 2015 01:20 AM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?
Hope this doesn't set off a big discussion that will lead no where and solve nothing - but I just need to let my feelings known to others as any American has the right to do as a Constitutional Right. First, the news media is giving the terrorist exactly what they want - coverage that only promotes their dirty deeds as headlines news which in turn drives more sadistic animals to follow their actions into some hope of gaining unworldly rewards. The world media should and needs to honor the unfortunate victims and nations only and give the aggressors/terrorist no recognition in their actions. True, terrorists think nothing of dying for their beliefs - why not give them nothing - no names and no religious background just a head count of the the undesirables involved and end of story. As far as gun control goes by thinking to stop the nations' shooting/murders by restricting the United States Citizens Right to Bear Arms and Gun ownership is totally ludicrous - during World War II one of the main reasons mainland United States wasn't invaded was do to the fact that the "undesirables" knew U.S. citizens had a weapon in every home. As the old sayings goes "when guns are outlawed - only outlaws will have guns". My .45 ACP will have to be pried from my cold dead hands before it will be surrendered and only after a fight. Thank You and God Bless America!

lizziemeister'sV6 December 4th, 2015 01:28 AM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?
As a follow -up to my previous thread - I do have a "Concealed Weapons Permit - the Right to Carry" and again "God Bless America"

wsignman December 4th, 2015 02:51 AM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?
Could not be said any better

bigblockv6 December 4th, 2015 03:46 AM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?

Originally Posted by lizziemeister'sV6 (Post 60039)
Hope this doesn't set off a big discussion that will lead no where and solve nothing - but I just need to let my feelings known to others as any American has the right to do as a Constitutional Right. First, the news media is giving the terrorist exactly what they want - coverage that only promotes their dirty deeds as headlines news which in turn drives more sadistic animals to follow their actions into some hope of gaining unworldly rewards. The world media should and needs to honor the unfortunate victims and nations only and give the aggressors/terrorist no recognition in their actions. True, terrorists think nothing of dying for their beliefs - why not give them nothing - no names and no religious background just a head count of the the undesirables involved and end of story. As far as gun control goes by thinking to stop the nations' shooting/murders by restricting the United States Citizens Right to Bear Arms and Gun ownership is totally ludicrous - during World War II one of the main reasons mainland United States wasn't invaded was do to the fact that the "undesirables" knew U.S. citizens had a weapon in every home. As the old sayings goes "when guns are outlawed - only outlaws will have guns". My .45 ACP will have to be pried from my cold dead hands before it will be surrendered and only after a fight. Thank You and God Bless America!


George Bongert December 4th, 2015 08:36 AM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?
Greetings to all!

I might as well throw in my two cents worth here as well. First and foremost, I usually make it a habit to avoid political discussions, because let's face it, there are those who would love to change our Constitution, and take away our Second Amendment Right to keep and bear arms. Beside that, political discussions have a tendency to turn friends into enemies, especially if your views are different. That having been said, I think it is time that we have term limits on our elected representatives. Many have been in Washington D.C. for far too long and have forgotten that they represent the good folks of their respective districts and States, and have chosen instead to let special interest groups with big money influence their decisions. I think it's time to put people in office with good old common "horse sense" to put our country back on the right track. As to the terrorism thing, I think that it is absolutely reprehensible, and not enough is being done to contain and stop our enemy in their tracks. I'll shut up now, I've said my piece. I hope I didn't offend anyone here, and I hope it doesn't get me kicked out of the club. This is my favorite forum, and I enjoy the online friendships that I have made here, and it would be a darn shame to lose all that I have gained here.

ilvracn December 5th, 2015 02:41 PM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?
french citizens don't have any guns. seems to me that is where the worst of the mass killings took place. gun control wont work for this situation. these cowards always go where there is no opposition to strike, take the guns, give them more targets. as far as the 355 mass shootings in this country this year, how many of them were gangs shooting other gangs? the press doesn't give that info. this is a completely separate issue. as long as there are gangs and terrorists out there, i'm going to defend my family!
sorry to rant and rave, but that is how i feel.

George Bongert December 5th, 2015 06:54 PM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?
Greetings ilvracn!

I am in total agreement with you on this. It's been proven that gun control doesn't work, and these idiots perpetrating the gun crimes we are hearing about are targeting areas where guns are not allowed, and/or banned! Who in their right mind would target an area where they know that there would be a very good possibility that they would themselves be shot, injured, or killed? Geez! what did just say? I have to correct myself here just a little bit! I forgot about the suicide bombers who think that by sacrificing themselves that there will be 72 virgins waiting on the other side! I think all they will find is a place that is very very warm with no virgins! Placing further restrictions on gun ownership will do nothing to stop what happened in Paris France, or San Bernardino CA, and it is time for the current Presidential administration to call it what it is--an act of terrorism, and not workplace violence!

jbgroby December 7th, 2015 03:29 PM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?
Hello All,

I’ll chime in here at the risk of possibly offending someone – not my intention and I’ll cover several issues we face. For every line of reasoning I put forth below, there is probably a counter argument……. I speak from the ‘Point of View’ as an elected official, who has had to deal with limiting our citizens’ right to bear arms, BTW I was able to kill the Ordinance before it was brought to the floor.

First, let me say that I so strongly believe in Term Limits, that I imposed a 2 term limit on myself (St. Tammany Parish Council has no term limits). This SUBJECT may be the ONE thing that will break the logger jam in Congress. Many of those in Congress are so busy trying to keep the job, they are forgetting to DO the job – and that is to work toward a common defense and the welfare of our citizens. However, Term limits cuts both ways, you hurt the good ones with the bad.

I’ll be the first to admit that Founding Fathers (FF) of our great nation could not envision the leaps in weapon technology or in our communications technology– but they DID foresee the Govt. could abuse their power.

I have gotten into some very heated arguments with some associates (stick any title you need to in there) that feel that the time has come to limit the access to personal firearms, they base their argument on the above that the Founding Fathers could not foresee machine guns or other weapons of multiple cartridge capacity and because of such the Second Amendment should not apply! My counter to that line of reasoning is that the Founding Fathers could not have possible foreseen the changes in technology in dealing with a ‘Free Press’, which as you know is the First Amendment. Remember we’ve moved from scrolls and clay tablets to printing presses and now electronic media. Should we abandon these new methods as well? – Of course not, we wish to be an educated populace.

The FF, knew based on their past collective histories, that a Government without checks and balances, is a government that is dangerous. That’s WHY they structured the Constitution and Bill of Rights the way they did.

The problem as ‘I’ see it, is that we’ve become so nervous of offending someone, that we’ve don’t do anything at all in most cases (we’re forced to be Reactionary vs. being Proactive). What many in Congress have seemly forgotten is that ANYONE who devises/offers/attempts to act AGAINST our citizens or our country should be treated as an enemy combatant (whether it be a US Citizen or outsider). The slippery slope comes into play as to WHO are those persons to DECIDE what defines who an enemy combatant is? – Is it simply someone who speaks about govt. injustice? Or someone who speaks up in order to incite a plan and carry out an attack? I believe the latter. This question is much harder to answer than you can imagine.

So the question remains - How do we manage to screen those who wish to do harm vs. those who don’t? I don’t have any answer, but I can tell you this; limiting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms of a free society IS NOT THE ANSWER. Besides, no one has devised a fool proof plan to keep weapons out of the hands of Criminals - therein lies the rub.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms has its roots as far back as 1689 under English law, The Bill of Rights Act, 1689 allowed for Protestant citizenry to "have Arms for their Defense suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law," and restricted the right of the English Crown to have a standing army or to interfere with Protestants' right to bear arms. It also established that regulating the right to bear arms was one of the powers of Parliament and NOT of the Monarch. Sound familiar?

IF Congress changes our right to bear arms, we might as well surrender.
I'll go back in the Garage now so the grenades can be tossed at me.


David R Leifheit December 7th, 2015 05:08 PM

Re: Off Topic What about all this terrorism stuff?

Originally Posted by George Bongert (Post 60052)
Greetings to all!

As to the terrorism thing, I think that it is absolutely reprehensible, and not enough is being done to contain and stop our enemy in their tracks.

Just out of curiosity what more should be done?
They are not a country, so economic sanctions will be ineffective.
The US has, as of about a month ago, ran over 6,300 bombing runs on Daesh known supply routes and bases (news article in the paper the other day indicated we are scrambling for more bombs because we are exhausting our supplies). We have been using targeted drone strikes (which the media vilifies the President for, as if they are worse than bombings and/or soldiers when it comes to civilian casualties).
Our allies combined have only attributed about a quarter (1/4) of that amount.

That the President is trying to keep our soldiers, for the most part, out of the conflict is, in my opinion, a good idea. Of course that the US contributes to these things in the first place is just as stupid, but a policy we have followed for decades (centuries?)

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