6066 (1960-1966) GMC Truck Club

6066 (1960-1966) GMC Truck Club (https://6066gmcclub.com/index.php)
-   General Discussion (https://6066gmcclub.com/forumdisplay.php?f=8)
-   -   Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups (https://6066gmcclub.com/showthread.php?t=47284)

Jeannie January 21st, 2013 07:37 PM

Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
If you've enjoyed getting ALL of the posts from our club so you can stay informed, sort the emails into folders for safe-keeping, or reply to every single thing posted to the forum and you're currently a dues current GMC Club Member, you can get every post made to the forum sent to you via email immediately as it's posted. To join this group send me a PM with the email address to which you'd like to receive updates. This list will receive an email of every post regardless of topic, forum, content or username.

If our amount of posts gets too be too much for you, send me a private message and I'll remove you from the list or put you on hiatus for a time.


Edit: This is now put together and running!

To JOIN the list and receive an email for every post like
Yahoo groups used to do send an email to:
6066_gmc_v6_club-subscribe at 6066gmcclub.com

To LEAVE the list and receive only a daily digest from the forum (plus any other topics you have replied to), send an email to:
6066_gmc_v6_club-unsubscribe at 6066gmcclub.com


MarkS January 21st, 2013 08:26 PM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
Is there a way to get a daily rollup?

Jeannie January 21st, 2013 10:01 PM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
Yes, all users should get an email daily with a list of new and updated topics inthe forums you're subscribed. You can change your subscrptions in your UserCP.

*Should* being the operative word. If you don't get an email at midnight be sure to let me know!


PS It should look like this:


knorling January 22nd, 2013 01:35 AM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
Count me in


FetchMeAPepsi January 27th, 2013 12:46 AM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
I quit when the moved happened because of all of the emails related to that but just rejoined. I like getting to read every post and decide which ones I want to see pictures on or whatever.

Mtnative January 29th, 2013 11:55 PM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
I've been looking through the settings and couldn't find where we set how often we get messages from the forum.

The one I was looking for was where we get only 1 email a day for what has been posted, like where you mention the one at midnight.

If you could either set me up for that or tell me where to find it in the settings that would be great.

Rich F.
Bozeman, MT

Jeannie January 30th, 2013 02:43 PM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups

You can edit your subscriptions here:

The "every post is emailed" is a different list. To be joined or removed you can send an email to the appropriate address in the first post above.

Jeannie February 7th, 2013 04:45 PM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
The first post has been updated to let users choose to receive a daily digest of all topics via email instead of every post in every email.

Sumrfun November 29th, 2013 01:36 AM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
Love the site and love the notifications. Sign me up Please!! :yourock:

Rustbucket February 5th, 2015 12:17 AM

Re: Sign up to be notified of ALL new posts like Yahoo Groups
Hi Jeannie can you sign me up for the daily summary of new threads?

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