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Old February 2nd, 2013, 01:08 AM
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Default Re: 1962 GMC 305V6 4WD Slow DD Build - Cecilia (Pic Heavy)

Now it's about 4 hours later. Wait, you didn't wait 4 full hours. Go wait some more. Stop reading...Seriously...

Ok, looks about right to me. Let's move on.

Place the plastic bag over your carburetor (carb). Don't worry, she won't choke. It's just to keep the water from drowning her.

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Then secure it with a coat hanger or in my case this bungee cord.

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And because this task is so easy, have your little helper rearrange all of your newly bought wrenches into a decorative pile on the grass. Then make sure he leaves before putting them back in their proper place. Spend 15 minutes digging them out of the grass and mud and put them back in their holder.

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