Thread: inline six woes
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Old July 22nd, 2014, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: inline six woes

Originally Posted by Pops View Post
I have owned my truck for about 3 months. Having thoroughly read the "head gasket" thread, I felt I needed to start a different thread. That is, I couldn't find an answer to my problems.
So, I have a beautifully painted and clean engine and compartment (not show but very impressive). The motor doesn't sound bad and seems to be steady from a visual and sound appearance when standing in front of it. It doesn't hesitate once I get going, though, there is a slight vibration with clutch in and on initial take off. A few problems that I thought I should throw out there that may be explainable.
1.) The truck spays blackened liquid on most start-ups. I had to have the dizzy moved when I first got the truck as it couldn't be timed (vacuum advance was against block). This step helped lessen the carbon on the plugs and I was able to turn the mixture screw in about a quarter turn.
2.) The engine is not smooth if you feel the exhaust - erratic puff during idle.
3.) It burns rich, or incorrectly. Very few people tail-gate. I'm sure its the sulfury, acidic stench. The carb looks to be a re-manufactured Rochester one barrel; it responds well to mixture and idle turns.
4.) It doesn't seem to smoke at all while driving. Not even the condensation look. The only time I see any smoke (whitish blue-gray) is on start up. As I mentioned above, my muffler does seem to be holding water, or?
5.) I haven't ruled out head gasket but I would expect steam from exhaust if that were bad. Or, a milkiness in the oil.
6.) Timing marks on pulley don't match engine sound. The best I can get the engine to operate is when the pulley mark is on top of the pulley.
7.) Lastly, the prev-owner said to error on the side of rich when setting the carb. Not sure this was good advise as the plugs were coal black under his settings.

I don't like the vibration I feel when stopped at light. And I am bugged by exhaust smell. New plugs didn't help. If this sounds like your truck, and/or you know what the problem might be, please, please chime in. Thanks.
Yeah, sounds like a tuning issue for the most part, do you have a vacuum gauge? You can easily find carb/ignition tuning instruction videos on youtube and probably even some for that engine!
If you can't get it fixed up that way then you want to check through everything for failing parts, the ignition system, plugs & wires, coil function, distributor functions, timing. Watch the engine run in the dark at night and make sure there is no arcing from any plug wires anywhere, then verify that your coil is putting out properly. Make sure each plug fires correctly. double check timing (location of #1) if you have relocated the distributor gear.
The last thing would be gas quality, make sure you have a clean filter and clean fresh gas. some vehicles have gas tank condensation problems due environmental factors, use some methyl hydrate(gas line antifreeze) in the tank if needed. Water/condensation in your fuel can cause what you describe here.
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