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Old January 1st, 2020, 12:13 AM
tbucketnut tbucketnut is offline
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Default Re: 1964 GMC Model 1002 build journal

Happy News Years Eve.
If you go out this evening keep safe and lookout for the other guys too.
I am retired from the fire department now, put in 32 years and can tell you tonight is a night filled full of fun and happiness and also horrible tragedy, as you all know usually after the New Year rings in and heading home. Be responsible and caring please.

On another note, I finally named my truck today, I figured it was fitting to name the GMC a male's name because of the big block V6 and GMC status. His name is Enoch. BTW for those that care my 53 3100 is called Patty Ann after my wife's best friend. Even though it sports a 261 truck engine and sm420 it is the girl compared to the mighty GMC.
Anyways Enoch got its new plates today, and it is added to the insurance register too.

I feel compelled to tell you all about the entirely nice nature of individuals that this forum has. I posted up questions about pcv s in the 305 and found that they were basically obsolete. I received a package yesterday with two brand new-old stock valves, one for each head and with that a nos filter for the system. Thank you so much to Dave D. (Quigley)for his complete generosity and dedication to owners of GMCs and their trucks. This day and age this sort of thing is seldom heard of. I am really at a loss of further words. He paid it forward for me, someone that doesn't know me but wanted to show good will and kindness to a person with a similar interest.
I am just starting to get my hands dirty on this truck but want to help someone too in response to Dave's kind act. I have a cherry front cross-member for 60-66 trucks, this member is usually damaged because someone usually hooks a chain hook to the center eye to pull the truck. Usually bent all to heck or even pulled from the frame rivets. Anyway I have this piece that I would be willing to send to somebody in need, it is glass beaded and perfect shape and primed. The only catch is you pay forward to another person something you have surplus of. Lets keep this gesture of good will going. The world start to become a better place, at least among GMC owners.
Happy New Year,
Steve Stock
Gig Harbor, Wa

1953 Chevrolet 3100
261 cu inch, SM420
Finished Cab off restoration

1964 GMC 1000
305 V6, SM 420
Restoration is now started, still looking for an oldsmobile style power steering pump

Last edited by tbucketnut; January 1st, 2020 at 04:06 PM.
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