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Old May 8th, 2022, 06:37 AM
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AZKen AZKen is offline
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Default Re: Swapping Knobs to use OEM Choke on new cable?

Why do you want to remove the knob?

1. If OEM cable is too short, reroute it till it reaches.
2. If OEM will not reach by using a different firewall hole and/or reroute, report.
3. Post several pix of the other cable and knob. Advise if that other knob is removable.
4. What is your level of tinker/dinker? Are you handy with tools and such.
5. Post pics of the present attachment method to carb.

I may have an idea

Last edited by AZKen; May 8th, 2022 at 07:27 AM.
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