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Old February 21st, 2023, 06:34 PM
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Default Re: Turn signal flasher

OK, Lets check your wiring.
For the front turn signals. You have a dual filament bulb. That is OK but you will only use the large filament. I see three wires on each socket. This means only one socket wire will be wired to turn signal for each side. One wire not used and the ground will be attached to good ground place near light. Assuming the black wire is for ground. Socket may ground itself to hood when installed.
The left front T/S lamp large filament wire will be wired to Light blue switch wire. Right front T/S lamp large filament wire will be wired to dark blue switch wire. (Each of those will have a companion wire to the dash turn indicator bulb. Either two wires from one terminal or spliced. See diagram.)

If you test bulbs before installing on truck, the sockets/housing MUST BE GROUNDED.

Rear turn next:
You will use both filaments on each light. One is from the light switch only(small filament) and one from the T/S switch (large filament). Large filament left rear is wired to yellow switch wire. Large filament right rear is wired to dark green switch wire.
Small filaments are spliced together with license light, any way you wish....and they are wired to the headlight switch brown. So three wires going to rear. I usually eliminate the rear connector shown on diagram. This reduces voltage loss, intermittence and possible moisture entry.

This leaves VIO WHT BLK switch wires.
1. VIO is supplying the flash signal to T/S switch and is wired to fuse panel flasher terminal "L"
2. WHT goes to one terminal of brake switch
3. BLK goes to horn relay.
4. Other terminal on brake switch goes to headlight switch terminal as shown on diagram. Same terminal as a fused hot. see diagram.
Of course some wires mentioned may go thru connectors where indicated on diagram.

FIY: When making a turn and at the same time applying brakes, the turn signal switch shuts off the large brake light filament from brake switch power on that side, to allow the large filament to flash. That is why the brake switch is wired to T/S switch.

So now you have work to do. Please advise any questions or difficulties. Check fuses.. some could be blown by previous tests/activity.

Last edited by AZKen; February 22nd, 2023 at 07:39 AM.
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